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Rilasciata la 9.5 ufficiale (Tradestation) 10 Anni 2 Settimane fa #17938

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Sembra che sia finalmente disponibile la 9.5 (non beta) - ma consigliamo sempre di installare le nuove release o i nuovi update su una seconda macchina per mantenere la versione più stabile su quella in produzione... ecco i dettagli:

What's New in TradeStation 9.5

Like the latest build of a high-performance sports car, the latest version of our award-winning platform – TradeStation 9.5 ­– delivers across the board, with good looks and speed, power, and precision to burn.
Take it for a test drive and see for yourself. It not only looks better – with striking visual improvements in Chart Analysis – but performs better, with multi-threaded optimization and a new optimization API for supercharged processing speed, power and versatility.
As with all our updates, TradeStation 9.5 has the kind of innovative new features and enhancements you’ve come to expect – like OptionStation Pro’s upgraded search function, integration of our Portfolio Maestro portfolio-level back-testing tool with the TradeStation Engine, and a powerful new application programming interface (API) that empowers EasyLanguage developers to create virtually unlimited applications for customizing and extending TradeStation’s trading and analysis capabilities.

Chart Analysis – Improved Graphics and Performance

With our new charts, seeing is believing. TradeStation 9.5 completes our core graphics engine upgrade, delivering sharper, crisper-looking charts that display the data more accurately. New transparency options allow you to remove clutter from your charts while still being able to view critical data. A new ”data forward” design pattern and color palette, along with responsive new DataTips, emphasize the data that’s most important. Multi-symbol interval and data series watermarks enable you to you identify charts faster, and improved ChartTrading functionality makes it easier to identify what actions are available. Read More

OptionStation Pro – Enhanced Search Functionality and More

Our OptionStation Pro engineers are always finding ways to improve our options trading platform, and this update is no exception. Now the platform enables you to quickly run an option spread search and analyze the results right in OptionStation Pro. If you have an underlying price and time projection, you can run an option search that constructs and analyzes thousands of spread combinations in seconds, with results ranked by spread characteristics such as Max Risk, Probability of Profit or Projected Profit. You’ll also find a host of new features that make analyzing and trading options easier than ever before. Read More

Multi-threaded Optimization – Improved Processing Speed

Thanks to our new multi-threaded optimization engine, clients using computers with a multi-core processor can now perform strategy optimizations with blazing speed – in fact, our testing shows that compared to TradeStation 9.1, TradeStation 9.5 runs the same sample strategy optimization – over both six-month and three-year time frames – more than 3.5 times faster. Read More

New Optimization API – Powerful New Tools for Developers

Our new application programming interface (API) empowers EasyLanguage developers to perform many new kinds of optimization – for example, over multiple symbols, multiple intervals, or lists of values or expressions, as well as over a range of values. Optimizations can now be scripted in EasyLanguage, which means developers can create powerful new applications, such as staged optimizations where each optimization depends on the results of the previous one. And the API uses the new optimization engine, so all of these features will automatically take advantage of multiple computer processing cores. Read More

Portfolio Maestro 9.5 – Now Fully Integrated with the TradeStation Engine

A robust new version of Portfolio Maestro is installed within TradeStation 9.5 and available for download from the standard TradingApps menu. Portfolio Maestro 9.5 is now fully integrated with the TradeStation Engine, drawing on the Engine’s powerful capabilities to process EasyLanguage and access price streams. Portfolio Maestro also now supports a host of advanced platform features, such as Look-Inside-Bar back-testing resolution for super-accurate back-testing, as well as the ability to back-test formerly protected ELDs, strategies that incorporate fundamental data and strategies that implement Object Oriented EasyLanguage syntax. In short, if you have a strategy that can be applied to a chart, now you can use Portfolio Maestro to test it on a portfolio. Read More

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